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Yogan Sathianathan Multicultural Awards

The Yogan Sathianathan Multicultural Awards are administered and funded by the Multicultural Council of the NT Inc and judged by a panel of community representatives. The awards presented are in recognition of Yogan Sathianathan who served the MCNT and the community for many years until his passing in 2016.

Criteria for Nominations

The following general guide is provided when writing your nomination for every category:

  • The work of the nominee supporting and promoting the benefits of cultural diversity and multiculturalism within the community. 
  • Provide details of the positive outcomes the nominee’s contribution and /or project has made.
  • Describe a project(s) or program(s) the nominee has undertaken to support your nomination.
  • Preference will be given to those who serve the community on voluntary basis and without any personal benefits. 

Why Nominate?

Individuals and organisations will be recognised for making significant contributions to embracing cultural diversity and promoting the NT as a united, harmonious and inclusive community. The work which supports migrants and refugees is highly regarded. Nominations will also inspire more people and organisations to create an inclusive and welcoming NT community that encourages and celebrates diversity which helps to strengthen social and civic participation in the community.

Eligibility for Nomination

Nominees must meet the following criteria:

  • Be a resident of the NT or a NT based entity.
  • Be of good name and character and not engaged in conduct which might discredit the awards.
  • The nominator must have the consent of the nominee in entering the awards.
  • Nominators and nominees under 18 must have the consent of a parent/guardian.
  • Information about the nominee is true and correct.
  • Nominees agree that their name and photo can be used by MCNT in promotional activities. Family members cannot be referees.
  • MCNT management committee, staff, judging panel and their immediate family are not eligible to nominate or be nominated. However, reasonable exceptions can be given in the community project category on declaration of the conflict of interest.

Nomination Categories

Three awards will be chosen from nominations under any of the following four categories. All three awards can be given to entries under a single category or from several categories. 

Individual- Excellence in 2023-2024: Recognising the valuable contribution of individuals in providing services, strategies and innovation in creating an inclusive and welcoming community in 2023-2024 (01 July 2023 - 30 June 2024).

Individual – Lifetime Services: Recognising the valuable contribution of individuals in providing services, strategies and innovation in creating an inclusive and welcoming community over a period of at least five years.

Community Project / Service in 2023-2024: Recognising valuable and innovative contributions made by a local community project or program conducted by one or more not-for-profit community sector organisations in 2023-2024 (01 July 2023 - 30 June 2024). Preference can be given to the project or Programs conducted by a non-for-profit organisation who is financial member of MCNT.

Community Project / Service - Lifetime: Recognising valuable and innovative contributions made by a local community project or programs conducted by one or more not-for-profit community sector organisations over a period of last five years. Preference can be given to the project or programs conducted by a not-for-profit organisation who is a financial member of the MCNT.

Conditions of Entry

The Judging Panel will assess all the applicants for these awards and declare the winners at an appropriate time towards the year end, possibly in early October. The Judging Panel reserves the right not to award a particular category. Nominations for the awards will close by 5pm on 5th of August 2024 and no late applications will be entertained. 

Nomination forms available at this link: 

Yogan Sathianathan Multicultural Awards Nomination 2024 (

Self-nominations are accepted. You can nominate a person or a group in each nomination category. A separate form must be used for each category. Businesses operating in the NT but registered in another state can be nominated as long as the business operations are in the NT and the business supports a multicultural Northern Territory.

Additional documentation and evidence can be sent in a single email to

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